Natural Radiation Protection


After the recent nuclear accident in Japan, many people began searching for clear guidelines about how to protect ourselves from radiation. The risk of airborne radiation reaching the United States has been declared "low" by the National Cancer Institute; all the same, it never hurts to know the best preventative measures. The most common medical [...]

Natural Radiation Protection2011-07-31T16:18:54-07:00

Sleep – The Body’s Natural Weight Loss Program


Americans are chronically sleep deprived, and our population has a serious weight problem. Want to know the connection? If we do not fast at night for 12 hours, then a crucial hormone that regulates our lean body mass gets depleted: human growth hormone. Your body has a natural rhythm that can help you perform at optimum efficiency, if [...]

Sleep – The Body’s Natural Weight Loss Program2011-07-25T16:10:27-07:00
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