Year of the Sheep – Gently Embracing Service


[page_title] Written by: [post_author] By Christopher Miller, LAc Last year, did you gallop away with the Yang Wood Horse and ride into the potential of accomplishing big goals and expansive ideas? Or did you get trampled by the adolescent hooves of impatience, fall off the saddle and get dragged along with it’s [...]

Year of the Sheep – Gently Embracing Service2017-09-24T13:43:38-07:00

Sleep – The Body’s Natural Weight Loss Program


Americans are chronically sleep deprived, and our population has a serious weight problem. Want to know the connection? If we do not fast at night for 12 hours, then a crucial hormone that regulates our lean body mass gets depleted: human growth hormone. Your body has a natural rhythm that can help you perform at optimum efficiency, if [...]

Sleep – The Body’s Natural Weight Loss Program2011-07-25T16:10:27-07:00

Oncology Massage Part 1


By Natalie Weintraub, LMT Let's start with the obvious question: Why is massage different for cancer patients and survivors? A simple question, but a tricky answer.  There isn't a specific type of massage that's used only for the oncology population. In fact, any technique I use with my cancer clients I can (and do) use [...]

Oncology Massage Part 12010-12-20T13:54:50-08:00

The Need for a Better Pillow


The Need for a Better Pillow By Natalie Weintraub, LMT Step one: Establish a need for a better pillow Now that I don't spend the majority of my day in an ergonomically maximized cubicle, I need to be more aware of my neck. Massage therapy is hard on the body - it's truly the blue [...]

The Need for a Better Pillow2010-11-01T18:15:23-07:00

Neck Tension: Prevent with this Easy Stretch


Neck Tension: Prevent with this Easy Stretch By Natalie Weintraub, LMT A lot of people come to me with problems in their neck and shoulders; anything varying from intense pain to general stiffness. Any number of things can cause this, including sitting at a desk all day or holding your head in a tilted position [...]

Neck Tension: Prevent with this Easy Stretch2010-09-19T20:40:01-07:00
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